Sunday, July 19, 2009

Snow ball fight

Last Christmas my mother took me, my brothers and my sister to the movies. We all piled into her car. Snow was falling in a haze. Made it look as if we were in a cloud. We went into the theater we watched The day the earth stood still. When the movie was over we went out side to find that Victorian square was blanketed in snow. We began to bombared each other with balls of snow and ice. It was the best part of my Christmas that year.

A little kid again

Tonight I have been feeling the Urge to act like a child. To build a fort in the living room, Jump on my bed, Play hide-n-seek, Go to the park and just play. I feel kind of like a kid on Christmas morning. So In honor of these feelings im going to share some of my favorite memories.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Before Halloween.

One of my friends has this goal. Its kind of a stereotypical goal for a teenage boy. He goal is getting laid. To do this he has a very interesting plan. His plan consists of wearing an I <3 Edward Cullen shirt to the New moon premier. I doubt that this will work though. I'm pretty sure that rather than get to have his way with the hottest self loathing emo girl. He will get jumped by a he-she that looks like Lotney 'Sloth' Fratelli from the goonies with a biting complex.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Why Anthony LOVES chili.

The Reasons Anthony Loves Chili.
It taste good.
It is cheap.
It is easy to make.
You can walk away.
You can do so much stuff with it.
Put it on a hamburger, on a hot dog, on fries.
You can stab it with a knife.
You can dump it on people.
You dont need dishes.
You can eat it straight out of the pot.
Everybody eats chili.
Chili is great.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Hey Everybody,

This is my new blog. Feel free to add anything you like, within reason.